Monday, December 19, 2011

2011: NFL & SNL Criticize Tebow Christianity - 2010: NFL & Obama Support Abdullah’s Muslim Fasting & Faith

2011: Tim Tebow, Quarterback for the Denver Broncos, has been greatly criticized and even mocked by NFL players and the Media/SNL for openly practicing his Christian faith.
2010: Two Muslim NFL players, Husain Abdullah and Hamza Abdullah, do not eat or drink for a month during the daylight on NFL practice and game days, and they take time out in the day to pray. Obama Invites these Muslim players to the White House, players and coaches support their fasting. One coach even fasted with them for a couple of days. SNL doesn’t dare criticize them or the Muslim faith and the Media has highlights their actions in a positive light.

NFL & SNL Allows Mocking and Criticism of Christianity but Would Never Allow Mocking of Muslim Faith
Tim Tebow has been one of the most sensational NFL players this season. He has won several games with last minute heroics. Tebow can sometimes be seen kneeling down on the sideline of a game to say a prayer. This has been called “Tebowing.” Although Tebow publically practices his faith and praises God, he is very humble and has never stated that God is on his side is the reason why the Broncos are winning. Tebow works hard in practice and in games to try to help his team win. Recently, Detroit Lions player Tony Scheffler and Stephen Tulluch kneeled in a game against the Broncos, clearly to mock the prayer that Tebow does. Former Broncos Quarterback Jake Plummer publically stated that he does not like that Tebow publically practices his faith. Saturday Night Live (SNL) recently did a show mocking Christianity and, specifically, Tim Tebow’s public expression of faith. SNL’s skit depicted a fake Jesus telling Tebow to stop openly practicing his faith and to read a football playbook instead of just relying on God to win games for him.
Muslim NFL players, Husain Abdullah and Hamza Abdullah, observe Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting and prayer, every year. They will not eat or drink at all during daylight hours for the entire month of Ramadan. This includes no drinking water during practices and games. Husain Abdullah openly says that Allah is always first before the NFL. He even says that Allah is his nourishment during the day when he does not eat or drink, and also that fasting helped him play better to get drafted. The NFL coaches and players went out of their way to support and encourage these two Muslims openly practicing their faith. The Minnesota Vikings had Husain Abdullah work with the team's nutritionist on a meal and hydration plan. Hamza Abdullah openly encouraged teammates, trainers and coaches to fast with him. Some players agreed to only drink water, and even head athletic trainer Eric Sugarman agreed to fast for a day or two. While Hamza was fasting, Cardinals cornerback Michael Adams told him that he seems like he is really at peace. The Abdullah brothers were even invited to Obama’s Iftar dinner at the White House to celebrate the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Double Standard – Attack on Christianity but Respect for Islam (and fear of violent attacks from Muslims)
What if Detroit Lions player Stephen Tulluch and Tony Scheffler mockingly bowed toward Mecca during a game against the two Muslims? What if fellow players told these Muslims to stop asking them to fast and that they would be better liked if they did not practice their faith. There would be apologies from the NFL and the Liberal Media would blast the players for mocking the Muslim religion.
What if SNL were to do a show where Mohammed told the Abdullah brothers that not drinking water during practice is silly and that Jesus is the real Son of God. What if SNL, whose studio is mere miles from where Muslims killed 3000 Americans, did a skit where these Muslim players were asked to read the football playbook more instead of the Koran, and to stay away from the terrorist playbooks that some Muslims followed when they attached America on 9/11. All Hell would break lose if that happened and Muslims terrorists might even attack the SNL studio like when the Muslim’s rioted when a Danish cartoon simply poked fun at Allah, killing many innocent people.
I do not believe in the Muslim faith. I do not care that these Muslim NFL players practice their faith. That is not my point. I believe that anyone is should be allowed to believe what they want. My point is that it is completely unacceptable for the NFL and the Media to allow the bashing of Tim Tebow for openly practicing his Christianity while at the same time they pander to the Muslim faith and would never allow anyone to be criticized for openly practicing Islam. Heck, SNL has never once poked fun at the Muslim faith at all ever since I can remember, but they sure have poked fun at Christianity.
What if President Obama invited Tim Tebow to the White House this Christmas specifically to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. There would be outrage and cries of Obama to keep church and state separated. It is completely ok though for Obama to celebrate Ramadan with Muslim NFL players. Heck, Obama even gave Osama Bin Laden a proper Muslim Sea Burial but refused to give a proclamation recognizing Easter.
There is a double standard and clear hypocrisy in America. In my opinion, there is even an all-out war against Christianity. Families of dead US Soldiers have to fight to say a prayer at the military burial of their hero sons and daughters. Texas Towns have to fight to be allowed to celebrate Christmas and have Nativity Scenes. The founding fathers of the United States of America are probably rolling in their graves right about now because they openly expressed their (mostly Christian) faith, even more than Tebow or Governor Rick Perry do!

One Last Point: Tim Tebow has never responded negatively to any of the criticisms hurled his way. He is always respectful, even when people are making fun of him. Tebow really does live what he believes and I respect him for it. 


  1. Pretty sad...and it will only get worse...

  2. *Heck, Obama even gave Osama Bin Laden a proper Muslim Sea Burial but refused to give a proclamation recognizing Easter.*

    And sorry, but if you don't understand the difference between those two things, there's really no point in listening to your rants. Sheesh...
