Thursday, September 20, 2012

Judge Says Kountze Students ALLOWED to Hold Religious Signs. Restraining Order by Judge Steve Thomas

Texas State District Judge Steve Thomas has granted a temporary restraining order that will allow students at Kountze School Football games to hold religious signs for the next 2 weeks pending an October 4th, 2012 Hearing.

Regardless of the outcome of the hearing, there will be a big rally at the next Kountze Lions Home Game Oct. 5th, 2012. We will have signs and t-shirts supporting these kids and supporting their rights.

Kountze ISD Superintendent Kevin Weldon got some bad advice from Texas Association of School Boards and Weldon BANNED students from even making their own personal signs with Bible verses to hold at football games after receiving an anonymous complaint.

It did not take long for the community to take a stand against this Superintendent's decision. A facebook group Support Kountze Kids Faith got 30,000 members overnight and local political leaders like Congressman Steve Stockman and State Rep James White spoke out in support of these students. Now the issue has become a national one with Todd Starnes (Fox News Radio), and other national media outlets covering the issue today.

Beaumont Lawyer David Starnes has teamed up with Liberty Institute Lawyer Michael Johnson to represent these kids. The Liberty Institute is national organizations that defends unconstitutional actions against Christians. The Liberty Institute has win 99% of their cases. Johnson says that student led religious activities using student personal resources are permitted in schools. Johnson says that many people forget the second part of the First Amendment that says Congress Shall Make No Law Prohibiting The Free Exercise Of Religion.

Judge Thomas made a very good decision to err on the side of these students' religious rights until a hearing on the matter.

This is why it is important to support good Judges. I knew Steve Thomas was a great guy so I supported him to be appointed as Judge. When the election came around, there was no one I would have voted for to be District Judge over Steve Thomas. Judge Thomas is a great guy who is very knowledgeable and fair. It is good to see that voting in good judges, even locally, can have a huge impact.

Governor Rick Perry wisely appointed Steve Thomas to be the State District Judge over Hardin County following the death of Judge Plunk. Thomas had run for the position as a Republican just a couple years early and nearly unseated the long-time Democrat Judge Plunk, so it was an easy decision to pick Steve Thomas to fill in as Judge until the next election. The primary elections are over and Steve Thomas ran unopposed in the Primary and will be unopposed in the general election so he will retain his seat as a now elected State Judge.


  1. The link explains why it is important we honor God at ALL times. The world around was introduced to Christianity by the founding fathers of this great nation. Saudi Arabia prohibits freedom of religion except for Moslems - but some of the biggest mosques are built in the US and they are the number one reason for terrorism in the US and around the world. If this was about banning the Quran's verses from being displayed, there would have been such a huge uproar. But since this is the Bible - not a big deal. I applaud the high school students who publicly displayed their Christian faith at such a young age. Texas truly comprises the Bible belt of the US!! Look around the world - those regions that openly accept Christianity are doing well today for the most part, those that don't - not much to say there. Look at Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Philippines - does terrorism reign here? I'm afraid so!

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