Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rep. James White Tells TASB: "Unwarranted" to Ban Religious Student Banners - Letter to Texas Association of School Boards - James Crow

The following is a letter sent from State Representative James White to James Crow, the president of the Texas Association of School Boards. This letter from James White is in response to TASB giving bad advice to Kountze ISD. The superintendent of Kountze ISD banned all personally bought or personally made banners/signs/flyers at public football games if they include Bible Verses or other religious encouragements.

There will be a RALLY Oct 5th to Support Kountze Kids Faith @ Kountze, TX Home Football Game


September 25, 2012

Texas Association of School Boards
Attn: James Crow
P.O. BOX 400
Austin, Texas 78767-0400

Dear Mr. Crow,

I am writing out of concern for the Texas Association of School Board's legal advice
to Kountze ISD to ban all student banners with Christian scriptural references.

Although I recognize the need for the school district to ensure that no student has a
religious belief imposed upon him or her, judicial precedent provides a respectful
and constitutional manner for all students in the state of Texas, including those in
Kountze ISD, to exercise their First Amendment religious liberties. While I certainly
recognize that we must ensure that any religious display is constitutional, Christian
scriptural banners are not disruptive to the educational environment at a Texas high
school football game. Hence it seems that the total prohibition of these banners is

In 2007, the Texas Legislature amended Chapter 25 of the Texas Education Code to
direct Texas public school districts to develop local policies to protect and enhance
religious student free speech, not limit or prohibit it. I am confident that your legal
counsel will confer in the coming days with local school leadership and the legal
representation of the relevant students to come to a resolution respecting the
religious beliefs of all Texas students.

James White

Letter to James Crow - Texas Association of School Boards

related articles: 

Urgent: Support Kountze Kids Faith - Texas Students Fighting for Religious Freedom

Congressman Stockman and Rep. White Support Kountze Kids Faith - Liberty Institute & CLA Send Lawyers

Judge Says Kountze Students ALLOWED to Hold Religious Signs. Restraining Order by Judge Steve Thomas

Student Disciplined for Bible Verse on Face at West Hardin ISD TX Football Game


  1. Bravo for Rep White. I am so proud to have a State Rep. that fianlly stands up for the rights of his constituents. We have been without representation for so long, it's refreshing.

  2. What an idiot. How embarrassing. These aren't little signs, they are giant banners at a public football game.

    Even worse, they reflect the attitude of God is on our side. How about a banner praying for the safety and sportsmanship of all playing?


  3. The link http://www.svbc.ab.ca/evidence-god/ explains why it is important we honor God at ALL times. The world around was introduced to Christianity by the founding fathers of this great nation. Saudi Arabia prohibits freedom of religion except for Moslems - but some of the biggest mosques are built in the US and they are the number one reason for terrorism in the US and around the world. If this was about banning the Quran's verses from being displayed, there would have been such a huge uproar. But since this is the Bible - not a big deal. I applaud the high school students who publicly displayed their Christian faith at such a young age. Texas truly comprises the Bible belt of the US!! Look around the world - those regions that openly accept Christianity are doing well today for the most part, those that don't - not much to say there. Look at Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Philippines - does terrorism reign here? I'm afraid so!

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